Dispute boards

ADR Platform connects projects, groups and sectors to independent dispute boards which provide customised dispute resolution services

What is a dispute board?

Every board is connected to a project, sectoral group, sector/branche, business or government. What differentiates a boaard is that they are independently authorised en their processes and procedures are tailored to the wishes of the specific connected party. In this way we ensure that the dispute resolution procedure is appropriate and tailored to the character of the board and it's associated parties. We thus don't choose a standard judicial procedure. Instead, opting for a tailored procedure operated by qualified and certified practitioners.

Who works in a dispute board?

All dispute boards work exclusively with qualified personnel. Because each dispute board has it's own dispute resolution process a specific profile will be created to define what exactly defines 'qualified'. All personnel must be certified with a professional body to ensure that anyone filing a dispute with a dispute board can have the confidence that they are in the hands of qualified personnel that will do them and their complaint justice in accordance with the appropriate procedure.

Get a dispute board today!

Projects, groups, sectors, branches and governments can all be coupled the tailor made dispute boards. Dispute boards can be setup temporarily or permanently. Specific agreements will be made on a per dispute board basis with regards to proceses and procedures, costs, staffing and other structural details. Do you represent a group, sector, branche of government and are you interested in setting up a dispute board or do you have questions? Feel free to reach out to us and we will be happy to help.

ADR Register dispute board

Job and assignment

The dispute board of the ADR register has the following role and assignments:

1. The handling of arbitration or binding advice with relation to:

  • Disputes between ADR Register and its certificate holders and
  • Disputes between certificate-holders of ADR Register and their clients.

2. The handling of disciplinary action on the basis of complaints against ADR Register certificateholders.


The ADR Register dispute board board consists of the following:

  • mr P. Walters, Chairman
  • mr. F. Haak, Secretary


The dispute board ADR Register is supervised by:

  • Raad voor Rechtsbijstand (Dutch Legal Aid Board) for as far as the dispute is about Dutch courtmediators


The dispute board ADR Register is ISO 9001:2015 certified by:

  • Lloyds Register

Maritime dispute board


The maritime dispute board is setup for the following sectors:

  • Ports and marinas
  • Yacht & ship building, repairs, renovation
  • Commercial shipping
  • Waterways
  • Recreational boating

Main- and sub dispute boards

The main dispute board contains 1 sub dispute board:

  • EMCI Register

Job and assignment

The main dispute board has as its job and assignment the following:

  • Handling of arbitration, binding advice, mediation or negotiation/conciliation.
  • Consulting organisations on the prevention of disputes and complaints as well as the implementing of a conflict management system.

The sub dispute board EMCI Register has the following task:

1. The handling of arbitration or binding advice for:

  • Disputes between EMCI Register and its certificate holders and
  • Disputes between certificate-holders of EMCI Register and their clients.

2. The handling of disciplinary action on the basis of complaints against EMCI Register certificateholders.


The board of the maritime dispute board will be named soon.


The dispute board ADR Register is ISO 9001:2015 certified by:

  • Lloyds Register

WKKGZ dispute board


WKKGZ is a Dutch law relating to complaints within the health sector. More information on the law can be found here: https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/kwaliteit-van-de-zorg/wet-kwaliteit-klachten-en-geschillen-zorg

Appointed dispute board

Global Network Group is appointed by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport as official WKKGZ dispute board. ADR Platform handles some of these tasks.

WKKGZ complaint phase 1

  • WKKGZ complaint phase 1 mandates the care giver to inform the care receive of the possibilities for complaints and the care giver is required to attempt solution with a low barrier of entry.
  • Within ADR Platform the WKKGZ complaint phase 1 will be handled by certified mediators or negotiators with experience in the health sector.

WKKGZ complaint phase 2

  • WKKGZ complaint phase 2 ensures complaint handling on the basis of arbitration.
  • Within ADR Platform WKKGZ complaint phase 2 is handled by certified arbitrators with experience in the health sector.

WKKGZ Register

Global Network Group/ADR Platform wil operate a WKKGZ Register. In this public register the following can be found:

  • Health care practitioners with a liability insurance that would like their complaints to be handled by the ADR Platform.
  • Certified arbitrators, mediators and negotiators with experience in the health care sector that have registered with ADR platform to handle WKKGZ complaint phase 1 or 2.


The board of the WKKGZ dispute board will be named at a later time.


The WKKGZ dispute board is supervised by:

  • Ministry of Health, Welfare and sport
  • NCZ


The dispute board ADR Register is ISO 9001:2015 certified by:

  • Lloyds Register

Features of a dispute board: Independent, certified professionals, efficient, cost effective

Every dispute board is connected to a : project, association, sectoral group, sector, government or company

Contact details

ADR Platform logo

ADR platform is focused on the advocacy and application of sustainable and effective ADR. We work on the creating of ADR dispute boards and are actively involved in lobbying for an effective framework for ADR that ensures effective application and high-adoption rates.

ADR Platform is a non-profit organization and any incomes will be invested into our various projects.

Industrieweg 4
NL 5324 JX Ammerzoden

+31 (0)88 0038 770

Copyright 2024 Stichting ADR Platform®