Expanding access to justice through sustainable ADR

ADR platform is focused on the advocacy, adoption and implementation of sustainable and effective ADR. We believe that ADR can ensure smoother and more efficient access to justice as well as allowing for effective dispute mitigation for everyone. The ADR Platform is working on an open-source framework for dispute resolution that can be adopted through regulation.

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About us

The platform

ADR Platform is an ADR provider and advocacy platform aimed at advocating the effective use of ADR. Through dispute boards we are building a model through which effective dispute resolution can be conducted. Furthermore, ADR platform aims to work together with the ADR market at large to build a concensus around a regulatory and non-regulatory framework for the effective application of ADR.

The framework

  • What is a regulatory and non-regulatory framework?

    An effective framework for ADR must consist of a legal, regulatory component in which regulation ensures sufficient harmonisation, quality control and embedding of ADR into the dispute resolution system of a country. ADR Platform's vision for a regulatory framework can be found in our white-paper which you can download here.

    Where the non-regulatory framework is used is for ensuring that standards are developed that are representative of the market and of modern ADR techniques. We do this by developing standards using a wide consultation process based on international best-practices.

    By separating certain regulatory components that are left to governments from content-based areas of ADR, we ensure that ADR providers and practitioners have sufficient flexibility whilst ensuring that stakeholders can have confidence that ADR is performed in a consistent and sustainable way as there is a quality control mechanism.

  • Who can participate and in what way?

    Everyone! We welcome all advice, tips and criticism on our white-paper for the ADR framework and are actively busy setting up various committee's to discuss various standards for the ADR market. The best way to get involved is to reach out to you and we will setup a call in which we can discuss how you can help specifically to your individual situation. The two main areas that we are currently looking for active help are:

    • Finalising the Regulatory ADR framework through the completion of the white paper. Here you can contribute to ensuring a proportionate and effective regulatory framework for ADR.
    • Standards development. If you are a subject expert in a particular discipline of ADR then we would love to work together with you

    Of course we are more than happy to work together in a myriad of other ways and invite everyone to reach out to us.

  • Why is there a need for a framework?

    The ADR market is currently divided. There is little agreement on standards and quality control with splintering being the obvious result. This is one of the contributing factors to the low adoption rates that are seen for ADR across the globe. Whilst a proven method of efficient dispute resolution parties still simply recourse to courts for a vast majority of the time. A framework is a tool that can change this situation. By striving for harmonisation backed by a set of solid institutions, stake holders can place confidence in ADR. By embedding various ADR disciplines into society, we can ensure higher adoption rate. Through open-source standards development, we can ensure that the quality standards that are required are proportionate and ensure effective ADR.

  • How will you apply the principle of open-source to the development of the framework.

    It's important to note that we don't own the framework or any standards that are developed from it. In the spirit of open cooperation everyone is free to use the resulting product in any way they like. All standards that we develop will be published and can be used by the ADR providers. Furthermore, the regulatory framework as described in our white paper can be used in part or in full.

    ADR Platform is a non-profit organisation and all work product will be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution No Derivatives 4.0 license.

  • Who is behind the ADR platform

    The ADR Platform is headed up by Professor Hans Mulder and Giel Tettelaar.

    Hans Mulder is a professor with the Antwerp Management School of the University of Antwerp. Hans is an expert in the field's of ICT and ADR and frequently combines these two specialisations to analyse conflict dynamics within large ICT organisations and government ICT projects. He is the European Research director for the Standish group who provide cutting edge analysis of disputes in the ICT sector. Together with this father Hans was involved with the founding of Mediation in the Netherlands through the Dutch Mediation Institute (NMI).

    Giel Tettelaar is an expert in the field of software development and certification and has been working in the field of certification since he was 15 years old through Global Network Group. Initially working of expanding Global Network Group into the African continent. Moving on from that he started DMI EMCI, a certification body appointed by the European Union to certify products in the maritime sector for entry into the European Market. Giel's experience with ADR comes from working with the ADR Register to provide certification of ADR practitioners.

    With the COVID-19 pandemic causing many problems for effective dispute resolution and having already seen the issues facing the ADR field over the last view years Hans and Giel decided that the time was perfect to propose a new framework and vision of the ADR market that can ensure effective, efficient and low-cost dispute resolution for everyone,

Towards an effective ADR framework!

The COVID-19 has caused everyone in the world to reconsider their modus operandi going forward, none so more than the judicial system. Court’s are infamously already backlogged and with the added restrictions of COVID-19 this problem will not go away any time soon. ADR, and it’s disciplines (i.e mediation) offer a great alternative for this problem. It is faster, cheaper, more efficient and ensures that parties separate on amicable terms.

The lobby for ADR however is minimal. With only a small amount of organised representation and advocation, the ADR industry simply hasn’t been able to stand up and make it’s case, until now. The ADR Platform aims to build a large coalition of industry stakeholders and channel this coalition into an effective advocacy and lobbying group to effectively regulate and integrate all disciplines of ADR into mainstream dispute resolution, and establish it finally, as a true alternative to judicial procedure. This will increase the quality of justice as well as ensuring that a robust and effective system for dispute prevention is in place.

Read more about the framework

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Contact details

ADR Platform logo

ADR platform is focused on the advocacy and application of sustainable and effective ADR. We work on the creating of ADR dispute boards and are actively involved in lobbying for an effective framework for ADR that ensures effective application and high-adoption rates.

ADR Platform is a non-profit organization and any incomes will be invested into our various projects.

Industrieweg 4
NL 5324 JX Ammerzoden

+31 (0)88 0038 770

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